Staying active at home is something a lot of us find hard; let’s face it, we don’t want to be jumping around whilst our sofa is right in front of us looking all comfy cosy. It is much easier to feel more motivated in the gym and that’s a fact. However, I will be giving you all a few tips on how to stay active at home so we don’t become sofa sloths during this lockdown!


Be realistic:

You can’t expect to go from not training at all to training five times a week, this unrealistic goal will make exercising seem a bigger deal than it is and is a breeding ground for excuses.

Start with once or twice a week and then slowly move yourself up to three times and so on! It is important you give yourself rest days so your muscles have a chance to repair themselves and are ready for the next lot of exercise.


Set a schedule:

If you devise a schedule at the beginning of the week with the days and times you will be exercising you will feel more mentally prepared. Half the battle when it comes to exercising is a mental one; you have to overcome the excuses, even when getting into your workout gear seems like a big deal! But if you have it in your schedule you can mentally prepare yourself the night before and in the morning you can put on your gym gear and once that’s on, you don’t really want to be taking it off not having done any exercise.


Be creative:

A lot of us do not have any exercise equipment and they seem to be sold out everywhere on the internet so this is where you have to be creative. Grab your wine bottles and use them as dumbbells, get a rucksack and fill it with heavy household items and you have yourself a kettlebell! Or this can be the time to focus on body weight exercises, a lot of us underestimate body weight or even neglect it but this can be the time to focus on improving those jump squats, getting lower in that lunge and finally achieving those 10 burpees.



Don’t underestimate walking, get those steps in! An hour walks a day can burn over 400 calories and if you choose a route where it’s slightly uphill in some places you’ve given yourself a great workout. A lot of us underestimate walking but it gets the whole body moving. You can also do things to help tone your body whilst walking for example, like squeezing your glutes and doing the occasional spirt of power walking. If you go for an hour walk twice a week that’s two days of exercise done!


Home workout videos:

 Its times like this I am grateful for social media; there are many home workout videos around, whether you’re a beginner or an exercise expert, there’s a workout video for everyone. So why not use it? I have teamed up with OFFBLAK to give you all three home workout videos which are just fifteen minutes each and no equipment is needed. So grab yourself a tea from their fully charged range, get your caffeine boost and let’s get to work!


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