Offblak is now Carbon Negative
Carbon is our problem too. We are fixing the it by offsetting 10% more carbon emissions we are emitting as a business. We are removing carbon from the supply chain and investing in certified green projects that absorb or reduce carbon from the atmosphere.

Independently Certified
OFFBLAK journey towards achieving Carbon Negativity includes holding ourselves accountable to improve processes to minimise and offset carbon emissions. We partnered with an independent climate action advisory Ecofye on this journey.

The total 1, 2 and 3 scope
carbon footprint of our
business in 2019/2020 was 623 tCO2. This means we include and offset all of our carbon in our supply chain too.

Tangible Impact
We offset our carbon emissions by investing in 3 projects verified by the the world’s most widely used voluntary carbon offset standards, the Gold Standard and VERRA. These project include one forestry conservation project in Peru and two renewable energy projects in India and Mongolia. All 3 projects we support have a tangible impact in reducing carbon emissions while improving daily lives of local communities.