An update from Offblak
To our Offblak family,
As we all continue to adjust our daily lives during the COVID-19 situation, we want to inform you all about our latest delivery updates, and actions that Offblak are taking during this highly uncertain time.
We are making a number of adjustments to make sure we can continue to meet our commitments to you as we navigate this ongoing situation together:
After consulting with our delivery partners, who are busier than ever, we want to share this latest update with you.
Our fulfilment centre is experiencing 3x the normal demand. Parcelforce have suspended their service level guarantees for the time being, which means that they do not guarantee on time deliveries until further notice. As well as all domestic carriers suspending their service guarantees. Due to this reason, there may be delays to your orders. Rest assured, we are doing the best we can to fulfil your orders, and making sure they arrive on time.
Our fulfilment centre is also taking strict sanitation measures to ensure our tea is safe. Our tea bags are individually wrapped in sachets, so you can keep drinking Offblak tea!
NHS discount
Dear NHS workers, thank you for all you do! We truly appreciate you. We want to keep you hydrated and fuelled up with Offblak tea at 50% OFF as a way of saying thank you!
Please email us at and show us your NHS ID to receive your unique 50% OFF discount code. This code can be used up to 3 times to get 50% off your order and excludes delivery charges.
With the safety of our employees and customers in mind, our pre paid envelope recycling service is temporarily on hold. Recycling is extremely important to us at Offblak, so we recommend that you put your sachets to the side and send them to us in the future.
What's more, our mission to go plastic-free has been delayed and we are currently aiming to do this by the end of 2021.

So, what now? How can we all stay connected during this frightening and uncertain time? Here is what we have in mind so far:
- Join us on social: Follow @Offblak on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Whether we’re giving top tea tips on how to take frequent tea breaks during this period, or sharing fun ways to pass the time in our weekly blog posts, we’re looking forward to connecting. Stay tuned. DM us! Talk to us and others in the comments section. We’ll be there.
- Join the T-Club: You can get tea delivered to you in the comfort of your own home as often as you like on subscription. Subscribe today and save 10% every time, have full control, get free delivery on every order above £10!
- Subscribe to our email newsletters to get cool tea ideas & offers, and stay updated with Offblak during this uncertain time.
Rest up and take care, Gen T! Thank you in advance for your understanding.
*Virtual cheers* from the Offblak team.